59657 |
英文 |
小四 |
女 |
深水埗 MTR |
$120/小時 |
1堂 (星期一五) |
1小時 |
女導師 下午 4-6PM 之間 |
2年前 |
留言: Hello呀~我而家係一名中學女學生,就讀於保良局何蔭棠中學。雖然暫時仲未有補習經驗,但英文喺校內都取得優異嘅成績。閱讀卷成績80 寫作卷成績70 聆聽卷成績70 說話卷成績80 2年前 導師編號:61518
留言: 你好!我叫Jasmine, 是應屆國際文憑試(IB)的畢業生,我的預估成績取得43/45,修讀中文和英文第一語言的課程,數學科獲得7/7的成績。我有輔導中小學生英文和數學的經驗,曾在香港聖公會核下青年中心教導小學生完成作業。我願意隨時回答學生在功課上的疑問。謝謝! Hello, Greetings. I am Jasmine, a recent graduate who took the International Baccalaureate(IB) Exam, receiving a predicted grade of 43 out of 45. I studied First Language Chinese and English Language and Literature and was also awarded the Special Recognition Award in Mathematics, for which I received a grade of 7/7. I have experience tutoring primary and secondary students in English and Mathematics, and have also guided primary students in finishing their homework at the center ‘KCCYIS’. I am willing to answer students’ questions on their school/homework after class time, ensuring they receive the help they need in their academics. As many people say, I am a very helpful, patient, and approachable person, please do consider me, Thank You!! 2年前 導師編號:61729
留言: 現時17歲升中六就讀九龍區中學 校內成績尚好,六年來都就讀精英班, 中英文都是全級20名內, 地理全級第二,生物第五 而且擔任各種職位,擁有領袖能力和熱誠, 過往亦有替師弟妹私補 有大量筆記練習和獨特記憶法 可上門(九龍區)或zoom 可補科目:中文,英文 ,地理,生物 可補小學1至6年級 中1至3 2年前 導師編號:56381
留言: Hi all, my name is Sarah. I been living in Toronto, Canada since 10 years old. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Life Science from the University of Toronto. I am currently a full time Research Assistant at the University of Hong Kong, Diagnostic Radiology. I am continuing on my studies at University of Leicester for Master's degree in Forensic Science and Criminology Justice (part-time) and Graduate Certificate Programme in Forensic DNA and Serology at University of Florida (part-time). I have been a tutor since grade 7 (equivalent to form 1 in Hong Kong). I have tutored kindergarten and primary school students in various subject. In high school I was appointed as one of the tutors in the tutor club. I mainly tutored Biology, Chemistry, Maths and English. I also tutor a few students specifically in speaking English. I am considered a native English speaker with an American/Canadian accent (no Chinese accent). 2年前 導師編號:61592
留言: 你好!本人係今年2022DSE考生, 畢業於Band 1 中華基督教會銘賢書院, 中文科 5* 數學科(英文卷)5* 經濟科(英文卷)5*, 本人有相關私補的經驗,本人對教授知識亦十分感熱誠和耐心,亦熟懂考試技巧,本人希望可以透過補習將個人心得同大家分享,同埋學生可以隨時WhatsApp 問問題,我會盡快回覆,亦盡力協助大家進步/補底,喺學習方面幫到大家,達到理想目標! -可提供筆記 -可上門補習 -有愛心有耐性 -熟懂考試答題技巧 -提供大量答題技巧筆記及練習 -已打齊三針疫苗 2年前 導師編號:61757
留言: 我叫Amily ,畢業於中華基督教會銘賢書院,是應屆DSE考生。我於中學修讀選修科經濟及會計,中學成績良好,對於數學及商科得心應手,曾經亦有補習經驗,明白因材施教是教學的重要,我會為學生提供不同種類以及程度的練習,讓學生能在合適的程度上加以操練,有所進步,培養學生多角度思考,教授必考重點,配合題目分析,令學生打好根基。學生在課後遇到任何困難或問題也能隨時聯絡我,全力支援學生。 2年前 導師編號:59298
留言: 你好,本人就讀香港樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系Year3。在補習社任職一年,有為小學一至六年級生補習全科的經驗,也有小學生的中英數專科班補習,功課輔導或專科增潤都有經驗。對學生有耐性,細心講解。單對單或小組形式進行都可以。 2年前 |