64860 |
英文 |
大專 |
女 |
青衣 長康 |
$250/小時 |
2堂 (星期一二三四六) |
1.5小時 |
男或女導師 IELTS 8分以上 早上 |
5月前 |
留言: 本人於加拿大蒙特利爾協和大學一級榮譽畢業。IELTS 獲8.5。中學時就讀賽馬會體藝中學,並獲取四年全額獎學金前往加拿大升學。中學和大學成績優異。過往曾於補習社工作,學生由其在語文科屢獲佳績。 5月前 導師編號:64565
留言: HKDSE 2014 Best-5: 28 5*5*5*55 Eng Maths M2 Phy Chem GCE A-Level 2024: A*A*A*A* Bio Chem Psy Maths IELTS Academic UKVI: 9/9/6.5/8 Overall 8 C1 (Second Highest Level) PTE Academic UKVI: 72/81/62/79 Overall 76 C1 (Second Highest Level) UCAT 2023: 2720 Band 1 (Top 20%) BMAT 2023: 4.8 5.7 3A (Top 20%) Currently pursuing Doctor of Medicine in Estonia (2024-2030) 5月前 導師編號:64578
留言: 我是2024年聖保羅書院畢業生,讀IAL課程,數學科已考取A*,另外三科Physics Chemistry Biology predicted A*。英文方面IELTS 8.5分(9, 9, 7.5, 7.5)。取到英國Newcastle University MBBS 醫科及理工radiography 嘅offer. 在學校裏在中三時 4月前 導師編號:63384
留言: 你好,我叫Crem,現為英國曼徹斯特大學三年級生。我HKDSE英文所有單元都考獲5**,另亦在IELTS考獲8.5/9。我有三年的英文教學經驗,亦在海外生活多年精通活用英語,會為學生度身訂造教程(如想參考過去教程亦可),可全英語上課。如果有興趣的話在Zoom上課並可以長補。 4月前 導師編號:64383
留言: hello! 我係佐敦名校band1A嘅應屆考生~ IELTS 攞到8.5/9分 (reading listening 9/9 speaking 8.5/9) 英國語文奪得5*(5*/5/5*/5**) +TOEFL ITP gold award 我有係學校教過師妹 可以流暢咁用英文同學生溝通 本人細心有耐性 熱心教學 願與家長詳談子女需要 並輔以熱誠 以提升學生的能力及對科目的興趣 上堂時間十分彈性 唔單止可以功課輔導,默書 仲可以同佢做好多唔同嘅練習 令佢熟習英文grammar 我可以provide 好多嘅練習俾佢 佢做完練習之後可以send俾我 我就會盡快幫佢對 同埋解釋佢錯啲乜嘢+郊佢唔同嘅答題技巧 亦會提供一啲vocabulary list 教佢可以點樣喺 writing and speaking 中好好運用 亦會同家長講返學生嘅進度~ 4月前 導師編號:64637
留言: Hello! My name is Alexandra, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and passion for learning with you. I graduated from the prestigious University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, a top 30 university known for its rigorous academic programs and strong emphasis on innovation and creativity. I achieved summa cum laude honors, which means I graduated with the highest level of academic excellence in my degree program. I earned my degree in Communication and Cinematic Arts, equipping me with strong skills in both verbal and visual storytelling. I am proficient in English and can tutor a wide range of topics, from casual conversations to comprehensive test preparations. Whether you’re looking to improve your language skills, prepare for an exam, or simply enhance your understanding of a subject, I’m here to help you reach your goals. Let’s embark on this learning journey together! 畢業於美國top30南加州大學,獲得最高榮譽學位。教學語言:全英文,廣東話,普通話。可輔導英語啟蒙,學校作業,會話精進,考試準備(DSE, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT) 4月前 |