
66357 |
英文 |
小五 |
女 |
沙田圍 博康邨 |
$220/小時 |
1堂 (星期二四六) |
1.5小時 |
女導師 平日 4PM - 7PM 之間 周六下午 |
2星期前 |
![]() 導師編號:16983
留言: I'm patient and experienced in taking care of children' affairs. 6日前 ![]() 導師編號:106394
留言: I am a 33-year-old doctor (mixed,1/4 Jewish) from Asia, currently a fully funded Master’s degree scholar at HKU, where I also serve as a student representative. I have been teaching as a part-timer for around 3 years both as a volunteer and a private tutor. I have achieved a score of 7.5 in the IELTS examination and a distinction in my matriculation examination. Currently, in Hong Kong, I am tutoring IGCSE, HKDSE, and IELTS students. 13日前 ![]() 導師編號:106414
留言: 本人為24年DSE畢業生,現就讀香港中文大學一年級,,可以全廣東話,普通話,中英夾雜的方式授課,本人相對耐心,熟悉中小學考試題型,對題目理解、解題思路等獨有一套思考方法,可分享給學生相關技巧,更會著重於學生的學習需要。 【個人成績】 本人在學成績優異,初中至高中全級排名前列。2024DSE成績: 中文:5/5 英:5/5/3/5* 【教學/補習經歷】 本人有半年從事補習社功課輔導經驗,日常有指導妹妹小學的功課,在校也有與同學交流學習。 可提供額外習作,筆記,亦會於課後跟進學生進度,解答問題等。 2星期前 ![]() 導師編號:106412
留言: 本人為中文大學社會學系三年級生 畢業於沙田名校:聖公會曾肇添中學 專科/補底 DSE :Best 5 26 有兩年年補習經驗 同時亦有幫中小學生補習 過往學生數量多達10位 補習範圍:小學全科及中學專科 補習模式:面授/Zoom 提供不同學校的練習以及試巻 本人亦會提供各類練習以及學校試卷供學生,同時會為學生提供筆記 2星期前 ![]() 導師編號:58849
留言: An Eurasian English teacher, teaching Cambridge English at local primary schools and as private tutor teaching English and Jolly phonics from K1 to P6. 全職中歐英文補習老師,教授P1-P6學生劍橋英文Cambridge English (Starters-Flyers) 及為K1-P6學生英國語文和 Jolly Phonics. 如果合適,可在時間上再作安排。 3星期前 ![]() 導師編號:20102
留言: It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself! I am Stephen Chan II, a Native English Speaker and a trainee solicitor at a law firm who passionately teaches English for academic, professional, and daily use. I possess over 3 years of experience in tutoring English. I completed my Postgraduate Certificate in Laws at the University of Hong Kong and my Juris Doctor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since I was born in an English-speaking country and have had ample experience in utilizing English in various exchange and internship opportunities during my university life and also in workplace settings such as in law firms, English is therefore my mother tongue. In fact, I obtained a score of 8/9 in my IELTS exam and a score of 114/120 in my TOEFL exam. If my background matches your requirements, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you! 3星期前 ![]() 導師編號:62351
留言: 你好!我係楚君老師,我教授小學生全科補習已有超過10年既時間,主力係補底,以及教導SEN 小朋友功課!我喜愛用繪本作為教材,用生動活潑既方法教授!而且,我比較有耐性同愛心,會因材施教! 3星期前 ![]() 導師編號:106401
留言: 本人有超過多年補習經驗,主要是英文、中文、數學及中國歴史。在自身學習的過程中明白在打好基礎十分重要。本人在初中就讀Band 1 英文中學,由一開始完全不明白老師的指令及教導,到後來掌握英文口語溝通的技巧,可以將自身的經歷教導給小朋友。本人亦提供功課輔導,有大量英語習作及教材以供學生鞏固學習。 3星期前 |